A budget is not meant to manage every penny spent. It is simply a guide to assist you in making better spending decisions, and it can be an eye-opening tool to identify areas for improvement. Balling and still being able to save our schmoney is every woman’s big goal. So, join sheVestor Africa on Wednesday, April 18th for a Twitter chat with Masho Maz, lecturer specializing in Investment management
We will be covering the topic: ‘HOW TO BE BOUGIE ON A BUDGET’
•The #sheVestorChats will be hosted on Wednesday, April 18th, 2018 at 3pm Accra // 5pm Joburg // 5pm Lusaka// 6pm Port Louis.
•The Venue is sheVestor Africa on twitter (https://twitter.com/sheVestorAfrica) and use the hashtag #sheVestorChats
To be a participant, follow sheVestor Africa on twitter (https://twitter.com/sheVestorAfrica), @_Masho and use the hashtag #sheVestorChats to join the discussion and ask your questions.
Masho Mukwena is a lecturer specializing in Investment management. With her highest qualification being an MSc in Finance.