Simeonette Uwanie Pontis is a film maker, gospel singer and is the executive director of Non-governmental organization named Mirror Africa. They work with young women and girls in Africa. She is also the former manager of 232 complex at Lumley beach, Freetown.

1. What were the challenges you faced as a female manager at 232?

My experience as a female manager at 232 was interesting, mind opening and challenging. It was interesting because I loved the environment. Coming from a bank to the beach was a relaxing, and I didn’t have to wear a swim suit which I was so tired with. Mind opening because it made me realize that there is still more to be done for women equality in Sierra Leone, because a lot of men still see themselves superior even if the woman is more educated than them. Challenging because I had to prove that I am a woman but I am a brave, bold and strong one.

2. What inspired you to start up mirror Africa?

At 232 complex, I had male colleagues that believed that I was not supposed to be at the same level with them, even though I was more educated and exposed than them. One of them was inciting staffs not to respect my authority because I am a woman. The common notion that women don’t support each other, I got to feel it hard because a lot of women would make side comments. some female customers would be rude and would use words like” this is why it is not good to give women power”. Male customers would ask me out and if I refuse they would make a fuss about it. Having this experience and with the present situation of girls in the country, I decided to start mirror. It is clear that women and girls need a lot of assistance to be able to progress in life.

3. What does the motto of Mirror mean or represent?

We decided to title our motto “giving girls new perspective to life” because the mind is a powerful tool. Therefore, if we as women and girls are strong and believe that regardless of the challenges out there, we would achieve whatever we set to do we would.

4. What are the challenges you face in managing Mirror?

We don’t have external funding and we are using our personal funds to run the organization. But we do have plans to apply for different grants that would help in implementing programs and managing the organization.

5. What are your future plans for mirror?

My future plan for mirror is to establish mirror all over Africa. Presently we have started operations in Sierra Leone, Ghana and Liberia. Whiles of Kenya, Namibia, Nigeria, Cameroon and South Africa are getting ready to start operation.

6. How do you balance work and personal life?

Hmmm it is not a bed of roses, because it is challenging. I most of the time return home late from work, and I bare4ly have time for myself. I try to cope because at the moment all I think about is mirror.

7. What advice do you have for ladies reading this?

Ladies, let come together and support each other. Also let look into our present situation and see what needs to be changed and believe we can change them and do what would bring about change.


Marian Sarian Scotland-Nicol is a 3rd year student Business Administration major at the Institute of Public Administration and Management at the University of Sierra Leone. She is also a Make-up artist, marketer for Home-made furniture and a plus size model.