Isn’t this what we all yearn for? Mo’ money to be able to live our best lives and solve all our problems whiles slaying hard. The lack of cash can be painful. We lay awake at nights worrying about it and our future.
This year, it’s time to take charge of your cash life and #elevateyourpurse.
Here are #SVA 3 pledges to take this year!
- I pledge to be financially disciplined – Get you an accountability partner, (your splurge bestie ain’t the one, Sis), to keep you in check on your progress.
- I pledge to get knowledge – Ignorance can be bliss, but sorry, not in this case. Being clueless in this regard can cost you Sis. So, read and read to understand how the money world works. Set a financial goal and work to achieve it.
- I pledge to take Action – Ain’t no results without action. In taking charge of your cash life, you’ve got to take the necessary steps (be it starting a side hustle or getting a salary raise). The power is in the Action.
Go get your check #sheVestor by taking this pledge and taking the necessary steps to get your financial life snatched!
“We create our vision one dream and one dime at a time.” – Charreah K. Jackson
SheVestor Africa is a pan-African digital community that empowers young African women with financial knowledge to hone their financial skills. Our vision is to contribute to economic development by equipping young African women with financial knowledge and skills, connecting them with personal finance experts and becoming the #1 digi-sphere for financial resources, Inspiration and expert advice.