Clara Levenson is a Humanitarian and Philanthropist who advocates for children and women’s right. Clara recently completed her Master of Science in Procurement, Logistics and Supply Chain Management from the University of Lusaka. Clara believes that the most vital part of human development is their foundation and that every child has a right to a good education which is a basis for a better future. She blogs and emphasizes on financial literacy in communities which leads to improved lives.

1. Who is a humanitarian and what does being one involve.

A humanitarian is someone who engages in promoting human welfare and social reforms. Someone who has no prejudice with human suffering ground of gender, culture, religions or national divisions. They bring about change in the mind of behavioral patterns of a society and help to aid by giving necessities for those in need. These necessities include food, water, clothing, shelter, helping in the aftermath of natural disasters or civil unrest, equipment and medical supplies, which give relief to people in unfortunate and desperate situation. The goal is to save lives and maintain human dignity.

2. How important is personal and human development to an individual and a country respectively?

Personal and Human development focuses on improving the lives people lead rather than assuming that economic growth will lead to greater opportunities for all. The rate at which a country grows begins with the contribution from each individual in the community/society. An empowered community is a source of a country’s wealth. The importance of education and acquisition of skills cannot be over emphasized. While income growth is an important means to develop, rather than an end to itself.

3. What inspired you to blog on financial literacy?

Financial education is not just an option, it is essential. Financial literacy is simply the ability to understand how money works. In present day, there is little or no education on financial literacy in our communities to enlighten young people on how to save or even manage finances. Your level of financial literacy affects your quality of life significantly. It affects your ability to provide for yourself and family, your attitude to money and investment, as well as your contribution to your community. Managing finances helps you plan and budget on earnings, investment and spending. It is important to learn about money management skills and financial planning for running businesses, savings and retirement.

4. What can be achieved through advocating for child and women’s rights in the African context?

Every person has rights simply by virtue of being human. These rights universally and legally guarantee what represents the minimum standards required for individuals to live in dignity and with equal opportunity, which cannot be taken away. Since the declaration of human right which was adopted in 1946, human rights have become codified in international, regional and national legal systems. Gender equality and protection of human rights, especially children and these most vulnerable, and fundamental principles of the United Nations. These rights cut across the UN’s work and are crucial to long-term progress including achieving the MDG’s. Advocating and protecting women and children is very important. This helps in achieving gender equality and proper child maternal healthcare. Advocating for children’s right improves their ability to survive and thrive. Reduction in Child marriages, Child labor, Child soldiers and reduction in discrimination of women at work would be reduced. Both These rights compliment other in achieving a similar cause.

5. What is your dream for Africa?

Africa free of debt, achieving its financial freedom. Being a source of financial aid to other continents. A continent free of child labor in manufacturing and production companies. Being able to see young people generate ideas that can be used in policymaking and implementation. Ending child labour and child marriages. We’re women’s and children’s rights being complented to end child abuse and gender based violence. An Africa where parents coordinate in raising responsible future children who are tomorrow’s leaders.


Thando Chilufya is an entrepreneur, creative and educationist. She holds a bachelor’s degree in Education from the University of Zambia. Thando is the founder of Ulimusuma Limited and co-founder and creative director of creative Space Digital. She is very passionate about Africa, personal development and entrepreneurship. Thando is a firm believer in the potential that people carry. She is always looking for ways to become better as s person and uses her experiences and knowledge to empower the people around her.