If you ask me, movies are relevant because more often than not, they tell a story about real life events and circumstances. If I ask you to pick off the top of your head your 3 top movies, I am certain you will make mention of movies that not only entertained you, but taught you a thing or two. Today, I am here to add to that list you already have.
1. The Pursuit of Happiness: This movie came out in 2006 and judging by our standards, it can be considered as fairly old. In spite of this, the lessons it entails are evergreen . The key lessons focus on the consequences of putting all your eggs in one basket and perseverance in the midst of a financial crisis. Don’t wait till this becomes your story. Watch and learn from Chris’s experience.
2. Confessions of a shopaholic: For the ladies who are crazy about shopping, this one is for you. This drama tells the story of how one can lose something valuable like relationships and job opportunities due to the inability to live within one’s means. If you are the kind of person who has debt piling up from person to person, This movie could change your life.
3. It’s a wonderful Life: Sometimes financial problems drive people to the point of suicide because they feel all hope is lost. This inspiring movie demonstrates that, no matter what financial struggle we may be going through, it is still not the end of the world. The sun will shine again if only we hold on and never give up.
4. Jerry MacGuire: Making major financial decisions like investments and change of jobs require a great deal of planning. Sometimes things might not go well as planned, however, if we stay focused and committed, the results are bound to be rewarding. That is the lesson this movie teaches us. We also learn that sacrificing meaningful relationships for money is not worth it.
5.Clueless: This movie reminds us that no matter how wealthy we get, we should not let money run our lives. There are much more important things in life that money cannot buy and in our journey of seeking wealth, we would be wise to keep that in mind.
6. Wall Street: Money and greed tend to go hand in hand. This movie teaches a lesson about how greed and the obsession to make money can drive us to make not only wrong but illegal choices. It sheds light on the fact that, our greed can potentially do much more harm than we anticipate.
There you have it sheVestors! A long list of movies that will not only entertain you , but teach you a bucket load of lessons. They might be old and not so recent but don’t forget that old wine tastes better. What are you waiting for? Start watching and thank me later!
Rebecca Naa Yemoley Yemo has a Masters in International Studies from the North Carolina State University. She believes in using our voices as women to empower each other and runs a blog where she publishes fictional stories and articles about everyday life.